Welcome to the Fonda-Fultonville Joint Wastewater Treatment Facility

Serving the communities of Fonda and Fultonville for over 45 years

Efficient Sewage Treatment

Environmental Conservation

Sustaining Community Health

About Us

The Fonda-Fultonville Joint Wastewater Treatment Facility (FFJWWTF) has been serving the Villages of Fonda and Fultonville for over 45 years. Built in 1971, the facility, located at 29 Bridge St South, Fonda, can treat up to 1.2 million gallons per day of domestic sanitary sewage generated by the residents and industries of the Villages of Fonda and Fultonville, as well as areas of the Towns of Glen and Mohawk.

The facility operates 365 days a year. Plant operations are managed by a New York State Certified 2A chief-operator, one assistant operator, and a clerk. Oversight is accomplished by the Fonda-Fultonville Joint Wastewater Sewer Board, which consists of four (4) voting members, two (2) representatives appointed by each respective village, and a chairperson being, collectively, appointed by both villages. The Joint Sewer Board meets the first Monday of the month in the Facility’s Board Room.

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